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Textual/Discursive Genres: Knowledge, languages and cultures.
October 26, 27 and 28, 2022
(Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil)

We are pleased to announce that the XI International Symposium on Textual/Discursive Genres (SIGET) will be held from October 26th to 28th, 2022 at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), João Pessoa, Brazil. Back in 2003, the I SIGET held at the Universidade de Londrina — and coordinated by Vera Lúcia Lopes Cristovão and Elvira Lopes Nascimento —, began a tradition of proposing a guiding theme to lead the discussions in the event. In this sense, for the 11th edition, the theme proposed is Knowledge, Languages, and Cultures which will guide our reflections on the investigation of textual genres. Bearing in mind the multimodal character of language actions and their dynamic relationship with social practices of knowledge construction, in their essence, heterogeneous and intercultural, nothing is more relevant than thinking about the effervescence of genres in such a midst of meanings.

Connected to the actions of the Textual/Discursive Genres Working Group (WG) of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Letras and Linguistics (ANPOLL), from 2003 to the present, SIGET has established itself as an international biannual event. The event represents an agenda of discussions and debates awaited by a large part of the Linguistics academic community that investigate the theme due toits interdisciplinary and intercultural character.

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